Green Sports® News

Our "big 5" Wintersports
The great outdoors – more important than ever
ever Important throughout the entire year, but especially during this transition period – a strong immune system fueled by fresh air. Activity and sports are the most important foundation for our society.
The desire to move has become even stronger
Locals and tourists, children and adults: Everyone is looking for public sports infrastructure to enable physical activity and movement outdoors in nature.
Our “BIG 5” winter sports this year
We have put together a selection for you – despite the challenging circumstances, these sports promise a fantastic winter. They can be performed with minimal preparation, and maximum enjoyment.
1. WINTER HIKING – simple enjoyment of nature
2. RUNNING UND WALKING – outside with a fresh breath of air
3. SKI TOURING – enjoy the unexplored paths
4. ICE SKATING & CURLING – carbon neutral with Wonder-Ice®
5. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING – relaxed training for the entire body